STN.Trading is the largest automated TF2 item trading site.
Buy cheap TF2 items: Strange Panic Attac Should the price not reflect the current market price, you are invited to suggest a new price by clicking the price in need of an update Price may not always be accurate or updated. All prices are compiled based on community feedback. You can exchange keys, metal, weapons, hats and more for the best prices
TF2Trade is a TF2 trading website using automated bots.
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If you are willing to trade in low-tier items, you can square off a deal pretty quick with a TF2 trade bot on these sites ,, and are few of the best TF2 trading websites for these items.
You will find a number of sites to trade in hats, cosmetics, strange, weapons, and pure items.
Find prices for Unusual quality items on, the most popular TF2 community price guide.
We have keys, taunts, refined metal, and a host of other Team Fortress 2 items for sale Buy the cheapest TF2 items in our item store with unbeatable selection, prices, and delivery time. Cheap stranges :: Team Fortress 2 General Discussion Possible All classes Strange quality items Melee N/A N/A N/A Frying Pan † 1: Golden Frying Pan 2: Saxxy 8: Cosmetic N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Ghastly Gibus 5: Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask 5: Ghastlier Gibus 5: Horseless Headless Horsemann's Head 5: Spine-Chilling Skull 5: Voodoo Juju 5: Professor Speks 3: Summer Shades 3: N/A N/A N. Supply Crate containing the item, Using a Strangifier on an item, Purchasing the items from the Steam Community Market, Earning Botkiller weapons or Australium weapons from Mann Up mode, Trading with. Methods of obtaining Strange items include: Unlocking a Mann Co. Strange equalizer is 1 scrap and is a pretty decent weapon Strange quality is an item quality available for weapons, cosmetics, and taunts. You can check to see the community-estimated value of items at I'm sure there are many other stranges that are valued at under 2 reclaimed. CS:GO Agents Strange Fire Axe, Neon Annihilator and strange Fists of Steel are 1 scrap. +50% bullets per shotThis weapon deploys 50% fasterFires a wide, fixed shot pattern-20% damage penaltySuccessive shots become less accurate. may not be appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work. Cheap stranges :: Team Fortress 2 General Discussions.